Private driver VTC woman in Lyon and RhôneAlpes

You reassure with a private driver VTC woman!

That it is for safety reasons (to reassure, waysnight, harassing), Sola Drive Company, puts toyou in relation to drivers woman who can exert asa driver VTC or a taxi.

The advantages of having a private driver womanor a female private taxi are multiple: religiousreasons, to transport young children, or quite simply for a question of feeling and wellness. It isas many reasons which us one thorough to propose these irreproachable ladies at quality of service and relational appreciable and appreciated.
For the history, there exist already coaches bookedto the women in Japan, in India or in Egypt.

In Senegal, the national Fund for the promotion ofEntrepreunariat supports the Sisters Taxi thus byconcern of promoting the parity in tradestraditionally perceived like masculines.

Our Sola Driveuses are mothers, young womenbut especially of conducting impassioned by theirwork, control and the exchange.

Drivers woman available 24:00/24 and 7 days a week.

Our Sola Driveuses are available only onreservation. Do you wish conducting pleasant to lead you during your personal or professionaldisplacements?

Book your driver via our form or by telephoneto the 07 82 87 70 37en specifying that you wish afemale presence.

vtc lyon

VTC Gares, aéroports et longues distances

Sortie Ski

Stations de ski


Siège auto enfant

Soucieux de la sécurité, sur demande, disposez de sièges autos pour vos enfants.

Chauffeur pour femme

Chauffeur privé VTC Femme

Vous souhaitez être transporter par une femme ? Découvrez nos Sola Driveuses.

Transport professionnel

Professionnel & Entreprises

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